Tuesday, January 30, 2007

light bulb

I've had an epiphany.

This is 21st century America. This is a time and a place where women can make movies for a living. Think about that. Women, who in some cultures are not allowed to show their faces or even leave their houses, can make their own living, without a husband or a father or a son, and can do it by making movies!

People hundreds of years ago have given up everything so that we don't have to grow our own food to feed our families. Women a century ago have given up everything so that women could work and live with the same privileges as men do. And being a woman director, it's not like it's never been done before. It's rare and difficult, but it's obviously not impossible. Just because people don't do it all of the time doesn't mean it can't be done.

Basically, I live in one of the only times and places where I can do what I love, in the entire history of mankind, and I'm doubting it? People have fought and learned and sacrificed so much so I could have this oppurtunity, and I'm going "But what if I fail?" I can fail at anything, failing is not hard. If I'm going to fail, I'm going to fail exercising the opportunity that I have because of countless men and women over the course of hundreds of years. If I fail, it will be doing the thing I love. I have the choice and the freedom to risk it. So many people just like me have not had that privilege.

I'm in the right place at the right time. I have everything I need. So here goes nothing.

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