Monday, June 11, 2007


Today, the moment I have been waiting for came. After minutes, days, weeks, years of waiting and anticipating and dreaming, the last 2:00 bell I will ever hear rang for me.

I was standing in between my psych room and my english room. Seniors were seaping into the hallway, teachers barely able to hold us back. We kept a countdown starting at 2 minutes. I was shifting my weight from foot to foot, barely unable to stand the suspense. Finally, after a small eternity, the last afternoon anouncements came on. Our assistant principle's dire warnings of making wise decisions were lost in raucus cheers from the upper classmen. But when the overhead voice stopped, silence fell as we waited for that glorious sound. The bell that had sounded temporary freedom for four years of our life was about to release us into the great, wide world for good. And it came! "Bing......Bing.....Bing!" Arms went up, books and papers flew, and an almighty shout went up. I have seen many beautiful things. But the sound of that Last Bell was the most gorgeously incredible noise I have ever heard.

All fo the underclassmen heard the bell ring, "summer....summer....summer!" Many senior heard the bell ring, "the end....the end....the end!" The only thing I heard was "Go....Go....Go!"

I am free. I am done. I made it. And I am so, so ready.

PS: I did sign my name- in the corner of the radiator in my english room. Don't tell anyone.

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