Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rachel: 1 Life: 0

Wow. There really is a God. And he is brilliant.

So, I was poking around on, trying to find Behrend's national safety rating for my police and safety article. My statistic is nowhere to be found, but I did stumble across this glorious tidbit.

Penn State, Univeristy Park has the tenth best college newspaper in the country. Number ten. Out of thousands and thousands. But here's the kicker. Syracuse, the goal of my life, my dream, the school that cooly and cruely wait-listed me, leaving me hard and bitter, ranks eighteen. Hahaha. Eighteen. That's eight whole places after ten. That's barely top twenty. Way to just squeak through, SU.

Am I gloating? Hell yes.

So, what good does University Park's paper do me? Thanks to my late application, I'm at Behrend for two years. Aren't I missing out on two years of writing for the tenth best paper in the USA?

But that is the most beautiful thing about all of this. If I didn't get shuffled into Behrend, I would have never written for the paper. I didn't even do it on purpose, it's just what my writing freshman interest group makes me do. I never even thought that journalistic writing was appealing. Only because it was pushed on me, have I fallen in love with newspaper reporting.

So, two heart-wrenching, dream-shattering, wait-listing letters have put me the one perfect place I could have ended up. Just 24 hours ago, I was praying to God, asking if I've made a mistake, begging Him to show me that I belong here.

I belong here! I'm here for a reason! Did you hear that? Do you understand? This is exactly where I am supposed to be.

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