Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rule Number Two

There are two main rules to Christianity. 1) Love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind. 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.

The hardest time in my life was a lesson in rule #1. I learned to love and trust God through anything and everything. The second hardest time in my life is now, and it has just occured to me that it is a lesson in rule #2.

I've been doing this wrong. And those of you that know me well understand how hard it is for me to say that I was wrong. Sitting in my room and hating the lifestyle that surrounds me is not OK. Being lonely, homesick, and sad is alright, but being snobbish, indignant, self-righteous, and irrate is not alright.

The rule does not say love only the people that live and think like you do. Love your neighbor. Even if they are cheerleaders and party at the drop of a hat and live a lifestyle that you don't agree with, love them. There are no kind, forgiving, understanding or compassionate things on this campus. All I am is lucky - I have been on the receiving end of good, healthy, strong things my entire life. What if I am the only person in my classmates' lives that can show them this life, and I blow it because I'm farther ahead of the game than they are?

It doesn't matter what I get back. I have been getting since day one, and I already have everything I could ever need. I have a good family and good friendships at the end of a phone. I have ambitions and priorities and respect for myself. It's time to stop worrying about what I'm going to get out of it, and it's time to think about what I can give. I know better. I can be the one person that is giving and compassionate and understanding, I can be the one that cares about someone for no good reason. I can be the one unconditionally safe and kind thing in that life.

I can't do that if I sit in my room and hate everything around me. I can't do that if I'm impatient and judgemental of people that haven't been able to learn what I was fortunate enough to be exposed to. I know better. I know better than that. I have to grow up and realize that it's not about me. If I have anything to give, I need to start learning how to give it. Because the things that I have never run out, never dry up. And they are the very best things, and they shold be given joyfully and freely. So I'm going to turn the tables. I'm going to see what I can give, what I can change, instead of what I can get.


Susan said...

Every day, Rachel, you make us proud. People around you will always be blessed and prosper if you let God's good gifts be shown through your life. It will be an adventure - I promise.

Aunt Mary said...

"Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" John 4:35

Better have calling hours on your door when your an RA. You gonna be busy, girl.

Megan said...

Have I ever mentioned how much I love you?

Thanks for teaching and reminding us (well, at least me!) some incredible truth. You already know because I've already told you, but with what you've mentioned in this blog, you've confirmed (by repetition :) ) some things God is speaking to me, too!

You're incredible.
Courage, ma amie! (Think this sentence in French)

Don said...

Hey Rae;Everyone has already said it all.The only thingI can add is that I love you!
