Monday, October 8, 2007

A Day In The Life Of A College Kid

My alarm went off at 7:16, and I hit the snooze until 7:36. I rolled out of bed, took my shower, and threw on a sundress anticipating the last scorching day of the year. I ran down to the student union building for my free Times, and then back up the hill to the cafeteria for breakfast. I read over my eggs and toast, and then went to English. Where I continued to read the paper.

After English I came back to my room, kicking myself for not allowing time to make coffee before class. I started boiling the water, doing the dishes and making my bed and running for milk while waiting for the coffee to be ready. One nice thing about dorm living - housekeeping takes all of 23 minutes.

I settled onto my freshly made bed with plumped pillows and Plato. Within an hour, I was down two cups of coffee and 20 pages. Someone knocked on the door to inspect my room. My illegal sandwhich griller (don't tell anyone) was safely tucked away in the bottom of my closet, but my crayon artwork covering my wall didn't go over so well. Since I want to be an RA next year, I reassured them that this time next week, it would be 100% gone, even though I'll hate to be without my big yellow sun, and my little sunflower by the window. After they left, I finished my last five pages of Plato. I blogged to vent about the horrificness of last night's game. I microwaved up some of the pasta I had made a couple of days earier, and ate some oreo's, and headed for math.

Math was, as usual, a waste of my time. Poly Sci was, as usual, confusing and immensely interesting. After my last class of the day is for some reason when I get depressed. So I rushed back to my room, threw on shorts, an old t-shirt, and running shoes before my tiny, poisonous midafternoon room could suck me in. I walked the fifteen minutes to the gym and hit the stationary bike for a half hour. After I had thoroughly kicked my own butt, I hobbled back to my room taking much more than fifteen minutes.

I collapsed into my desk chair and listened to my NPR Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me podcast while finishing off my noodles. I get about half of the questions right, and was pretty proud of myself. And yes, I am aware of the fact that this makes me a geek. After a forty-minute rest, I found I could move my legs again. So I got dressed and I did some math homework until dinner. I'm not entirely sure what made me think this was ok, but I got the meatloaf. I don't know, I was starving and beef sounded good, and how badly can you mess up meatloaf, right? Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

After dinner, I watched Friends and read the rest of the Times until my Chi Alpha meeting. Chi Alpha is the non-weird Christian group on campus, they meet twice a week, and I've really been enjoying it. Now, Monday night football is on. My room is not air conditioned, so I'm in a tank top and boxer shorts, with my hair in a ponytail, and I'm trying really hard not to move. I'll call my family, and then I'll make a grilled cheese sandwhich on my illegal appliance. When the game's over, I'll go to bed.

I know. My life is devastatingly wild.

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