Monday, October 22, 2007

An "Early Night" in the Hellhole

Last night, I was so exhausted that my eyes were burning an my legs were aching. So I decided that an early bedtime was in order. The lights were out as soon as A Few Good Men was over at 11:00. I was so looking foward to eight and a half glorious hours of sleep.

Well, around 11:30 when I was just drifting off, the Steelers lost to Denver by a fieldgoal in the last two seconds of the game. Which made my nextdoor neighbor shriek and scare the crap out of me. She proceded to run down the hall to continue screaming at one of her friends for a few minutes.

I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, having decided earlier in the year to never get upset about sleep disturbance until after midnight. Right around 12:00, I had just fallen asleep and my roomate comes in from the haunted house an hour away. She proceded to rattle the handle until discovering that it was locked, then came in and asked if I had closed her computer and how my night was.

In a few minutes, she was in bed, and I tried to sleep for the third time. Sure enough, a half hour later, there was a comotion in the hallway. It sounded like 15 girls being cruelly tortured, but in reality it was about five girls running up and down the hall screaming and laughing wildly, doing God only knows what. The kicker is - I think they were sober. I would have gotten up and told them to be a little more considerate, but I was way, way too mad at that point. Talking to these girls when they're acting out requires the patience and diplomacy of asking a five-year old to get in the tub. You'd think the world was about to end.

It's after 1:00am, and I have just stopped shaking in frustration when T-Mobile sends me a text message notifying me that someone else sent me a text message, but for whatever reason it couldn't make it to my phone. At 1:17 in the morning. Thank you, T-Mobile, once again, for making me hate my life.

I finally got to sleep around 2:00, after having decided to skip my 9:00 english class and turning off the alarm on my phone. Maybe I could sleep until 9:00, or 10:00. I could still get my eight hours after all! I did get six good hours in until, at 8am, I hear my roommate's voice. "Rachel......Rachel........You're going to miss English!"

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Awww Rachel...that sucks. Such is the comedy of life. Hopefully you can get some sleep tonight!

I love you.