Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Cheer

Can one decorate a depressing dorm room for the holidays with a budget under $30? Yes, one can.

I spent a few minutes last night lining the ceiling with white Christmas lights. In case anyone is wondering, my room is exactly 80 feet around (300 bulbs and two strings). Since they are both inside and outside lights, they illuminate the entire room in a soft, non-florescant glow. Then I spent two hours cutting out great big paper snowflakes. I found some fine thread in my ever-handy toolbox and suspended them from the ceiling with paperclips. I think everyone in the hall has stopped in to admire the splendor. I can't wait for a prospie tour to come through to be dazzled by my room.

Today I will make more snowflakes to pin to our white curtains and door. This weekend I hope to make paper chains to hang from the ceiling, too. My nextdoor neighbors have their little 3-foot christmas tree up, strung with lights and a homemade popcorn string, which I can visit whenever I want. Hallwide, we have every Christmas movie you could ever want, and a free borrowing policy. Then all you have to do is turn up my Charlie Brown Christmas album and make up some chocolate chai or poporn, and you are set for the holidays.

It's now such a bright, pretty little room that I don't mind it being dark for half the day. I would post before and after pictures, but since my room is so small and the outside hallway so narrow, there's no place to stand in order to capture the full effect. So you'll just have to take my word- it's nice. Armed with only twinkle lights, paper snowflakes, curtains, real dishes, and a fierce determination, I have made this place homey and pleasant, if not home.

Now if I can only get to the ovens in Ohio hall, I can even make Christmas cookies...

1 comment:

Melanie said...

This makes me happy. I wish my room were big enough to decorate. It seems impossible...fierce determination is what I need. Hmm. I may have just recieved a decent dose from reading this.