Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Snow Day!

I woke up this morning at 7:30 to three solid inches of snow and no electricity. Most sane human beings go straight back to bed in circumstances like these, but it being the first snow of the year my boots and coat were on in a flash. I walked around campus and took some pictures of the crazy November blizzard. In a half hour, other crazies were coming outside. With two other girls that live in my hall, I made a beautiful snowman. He's a good four feet tall, decked out in a hat and one of my scarves, and his name is Paolo. Then Erin had four lunch trays, so we spent some time on the hill. Let me tell you - those lunch trays fly!

I came in at 9:30, and slept until noon. The power was still out all over campus, classes were cancelled and food was becoming a problem. My milk and cheese were outside, burried in the snow, and I was tired of cereal. I went in with my neighbors on Chinese food. Since so many people at Behrend were ordering take-out, it took an hour and forty-five minutes to arrive. Then I had to trek across campus to get to the gym to interview the swim coach about the meets over the weekend. Byt this time, it had stopped snowing and started sleeting, and thundering. I thought Rochester weather was bad, but a blizzard, followed by sleet and thunder is insane.

When I got back to the dorm, the power was on, and I was soaked. My jeans were wet clear through, my hair was dripping, and my face was so wet my mascara was running. It looked like I had gone for a swim in a winter coat and snowboots. Now I'm in sweats, curled up in a giant blanket watching Moulin Rouge and singing along (much to the delight of my roommate). After the movie is over, I have a five-page english paper to write, a two-page article to write, and tomorrow's interview to prep. And unless it stops sleeting, I am not leaving this building until tomorrow.

Here's to the first snow day at Erie in five years! I got here just in time.

1 comment:

Aunt Mary said...

Put a suit coat on him and he's the spittin' image of your Dad. hehehe