Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday before Finals

I woke up at 11:00 this morning. This was pretty much my thought process: "11:00, I hate sleeping this late. My head is going to hurt....Wait! My head doesn't hurt!" *sits up* "Ow, ok, never mind. Ugh."

I put on sweatpants and a hoodie and headed off to brunch. I ate a delicious waffle, and poked half-heartedly at an egg to make me feel at least a little bit healthy. I went back to the dorm for a shower, and was clean and dry, and moisturized by 1:00.

I made coffee and watched half of Wednesday night's Republican debate on Youtube, in ten-minute intervals, while I waited for the caffeine to kick in. After I was properly awake, and had more new questions than answers about this election, I borrowed my neighbor's vacuum. I vacuumed what I like to call the "high-traffic area," (the strip of carpet not buried by furniture running down the middle of the room) under my desk, and under my bed. Then I shifted the vacuum into dust-buster mode, and vacuumed off the top of my comforter. Then I vacuumed Gus, my bear, because I remembered something about mites and stuffed animals and vacuuming. Gus is now incredibly poofy.

I washed out my coffee mug and returned the vacuum, and settled into studying. I'm writing up essays for my poli sci final - never have six questions been so painful or time-consuming. Here is the first bit answering the second question:

"The difference between a philosopher and a poet is the difference between the words "hypothetical" and "fictional," which is to say, not much of a difference at all. Both explore human nature, human interaction, and the meanings of these studies at their most complex and abstract levels."

Impressive, huh? After two hours of that, I'm taking a blogging break to avoid the TV or Facebook, which would suck me in for hours. Now my goal is to finish two other questions by 6:00, then break for dinner. After that, I have a couple of hours of studying the histories of the three major religions before I can, in good conscience, call it a day.

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