Wednesday, January 24, 2007

it's alive!

No, I did not fall off the face of the planet. But my internet did. So, now that I'm up and running, I can finally blog again. I wish something wildly exciting had hapened so that I could fill everyone in on it.

Let's see, Indy beat New England, everyone knows that one, the Bears won soley through ref bias, everyone also knows that, I took my Psych test yesterday, thought I did pretty well but I should have studied the brain a little more. Yesterday I studied European history for a few hours, took a nap and watched a show about Italy on the travel channel. Last night I decided I don't want to take Italian in college, I want to learn an African language. It is absolutely beautiful, it sounds more like music than talking, and it would be so different from a romance language. Granted, I would proably never use it, and as a little white girl I'm sure I won't do it any justice. But who cares about practicalities, anyhow? This morning I woke up at 8:30, and for the first time since catching this nightmarish cold, coffee actually tasted good. Then I read some of The Little Princess (I'm on a children's classics binge, I just finished A Wrinkle in Time and I think The Secret Garden is next.) Then I got my internet back, and now I'm here.

Wildly exciting life, I know.

And now to continue the madness, I will go get a grilled cheese sandwhich, milk and oreos, spend a few hours on European history while watching the democratic rebuttal to the State of the Union Address which I taped, take a shower, and go to work for 4 hours.



Hannah said...

Dude, you're so not the only one. I'm actually reading the Secret Garden right now. I <3<3<3 it!

rachel said...

Frances Hodgson Burnett. Mastermind. If you haven't read A LIttle Princess, do so. It's one of my all-time, life-changing favorites.