Friday, February 16, 2007

I heart February Break

Today was my last Pep Rally.

That's actually a good thing, because I am completely out of CCHS pep. I wore my swimming sectionals shirt today, and that's as close as I'm gong to get school spirit-wise until I pick a college.

I'm so glad I have a week off; I'm really getting sick of that place. This morning we ran out of peanut butter, thanks to the salmonella outbreak (I have a point, don't worry) and I was trying to figure out what to do for lunch. So my mom asks if seniors can go out for lunch. I actually laughed. One of those harsh laughs, with bitter undertones. Go out for lunch? Privileges? We don't have those. One day out of the entire year, seniors can sit in the courtyard for lunch if we really want to.

So getting lunch consisted of this. I was waiting in the pizza line for 15 minutes without actually moving, because junior basketball players kept on cutting me. Their thought process was obviously along the lines of "I'm so tall and ripped and hot, I bet she's glad we're cutting her. After all, right now she has the best view in the entire cafeteria."

Right. Then they actually started pushing each other around. We are in the lunch line, for crying out loud, is it too much to ask to just buy pizza and get on with our lives? My foot got stepped on twice. The shortest junior kept saying to me "Hey, I'm really sorry" and then grabbing the kid that ran into me and yelling "I'm gonna throw you around like a rag doll!" and pushing him into me again.

After $2 and 15 minutes of drowning in underage testosterone, I got one piece of pizza and some ranch dressing.

I'm actually going to quote Nathan here, "This place is getting more and more like a prison everyday."

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