Friday, March 23, 2007

busy busy busy

I've been neglecting my blog. I can't believe it's been a week since my last post. But this week was insane. I stayed after every day to get ready for the volleyball tournament. It actually went really well. Depsite the fact that one team bailed out the day before, and one team didn't show up, it went very smoothly. The weather said it was going to be 55 and sunny. Lies. It was 40 and raining and the wind was blowing sideways and everything. It was so much fun. People were slipping in the mud, and everyone was soaked and dirty and freezing. The teacher game was the best; Pauly made me proud. Even though I was wet and cold to the bones, and my umbrella blew inside-out, it was by far the best PIG project ever. To think I could have done a soup kitchen or something. I don't know exactly how much money we raised, I think it was close to $1,000.

On top of the tournament, my English paper is ruling my life. A Bend In The River by V.S. Naipaul the reason for my existence right now. This paper is going to be the hardest thing I've done academically so far, and I am going to nail this one. I want it to be flawless. Tomorrow I write up my outline, and I'm going to run it past my teacher before I even start writing it. I can stand up to Senioritis a little longer.

Oh. I heard from Syraucse. I'll just say that they made a very big mistake, and that when I'm rich and famous Penn State will be getting my money, and all Syracuse will be getting is an overwhelming feeling of regret. I'll spare you from my vicious attack on the massive flaws of the college admissions process. I also got my "financial aid" package from Penn State. I'll avoid my rant on the screwy economics of American universities, too.

Whatever. I have a car, and I stood in the wind and the rain for a couple hours watching volleyball games today, and Friday was officially three months until graduation. I can't help but feel that life is really good right now. Busy, exhausting, and confusing, but very good.

One more thing. You know how every summer I get into a new sport? Two years ago it was rollerblading, last summer it was tennis. This year is basketball. I had no idea it was so much fun. My brother taught me how to dribble without looking at the ball, and pass three different ways, and block and free throw and make a lay-up. I could never do a lay-up; my brother must be an excellent coach. I'm going all out this summer, I'm getting decent sneakers (I rolled my ankle three times yesterday) and shorts and everything. It makes me wish I were taller....

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