Thursday, March 29, 2007

Yes, again.

OK. The AP frenzy has begun. Papers and notes and tests and review projects galore. School is about to completely consume my life. Fortunately, after one year of AP agony, I have developed coping skills. They are basketball, swinging, Grey's Anatomy, and chocolate. These four things can improve the most horendous mood. Swinging especially, as obseved today. Grumbly to giggly in 60 seconds.

Oh, recent development; I have a new major. Yes, again. Everyone always, without fail, says "Oh, again?" So I waffled between film and theatre for awhile. I wanted to direct for four whole years, that should count for something. Besides, this is it.

Public Relations. It's everything I've ever dreamed of. It's mostly writing (newspaper articles, TV and radio broadcasts, speeches) and also making up powerpoints and videos, and traveling and meeting people and making speeches and presentations. And it's so versatile- you can work for a political campaign for a while, then run the whole show for a small local business, then lead a PR team for a huge corporation. I can do government, entertainment, healthcare, fashion, technology, non-profit, anything! Yeah, it's a 9-5 office job, but there's speeches and traveling and people everywhere and emergencies to handle and deadlines to meet. And yes, being short and a woman in communications means high heels, all the time, every day. Small price to pay for Dream Job.

As for the change from film, I figured that visual stuff is not so much my thing. And I've talked a lot about how I would be a writer, but I don't wnt to sit quietly at a desk all day, by myself. I have discovered a job that is mostly writing, but is loud and busy and pressured. Everything I liked about directing, the leading and busy and traveling and people and creativity and compitition is in PR. Plus writing. And steady employment and steady pay is a nice bonus.

So I suppose I could change my mind. But that would require finding something better than public relations, and I can't imagine a job like that existing.

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