Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Day In The Life

My 50th post! Yay!

I don't have too much to talk about today. In Government I watched a movie on the lost boys from Sudan and decided that I really needed to be happier with my life. Getting up at 6:00 to go to high school is really not the worst thing. I mean, it's really not fun, but I'm not getting eaten alive by lions and crocodiles, either.

So I came home and did some Pilates, and ran up and down my stairs 15 times. That's 180 stairs up, and 180 stairs down. Swimming has addicted me to cardio work and lactic acid. Then I felt kind of weird and I was afraid I was sick. But I slept for an hour and ate dinner and had a milkshake, and now I feel fine. Except that my legs are still kind of burning. I studied for my Euro test for two hours. Now I'm here, writing about absolutely nothing. Because Grey's Anatomy is a repeat (argh) I'm going to read for a little bit, then go to bed obscenely early.

Sometime this weekend, preferably Saturday, I am going to get out of here for a little bit. I'm thinking of going up to the lake and get hamburgers for lunch and walk around a little bit. I know it's winter, but if I don't get out and go somewhere, I will lose my mind. I wanted to go to Niagara Falls, but the parental unit doesn't like that idea so much. Oh well. At this point I'll take what I can get.

Fun story of the day: Mrs Westby got married in a laundromat. I don't think I would actually want to get married in a laundromat, but doesn't that make a great story? If you're at a party, and one person says "I got married on horseback in Aruba," and you say, "Oh, I got married in a laundromat," which story do you think people want to hear?

That was my day. Not exciting, but again, no lions or crocodiles.


Aunt Mary said...

Hey Rachel, you exercise maniac. In the words of your parental unit, "I double dog dare ya" to come with me your next available day to one of Lucy's circuit classes. You don't know lactic acid till you've spent an hour with Lucy. She's a beast. And oh, the endorphins after are unbelievable.

rachel said...

Sign me up!