Saturday, March 10, 2007

show me what you're made of

What am I made of? Some people are made of test scores and GPAs and the stack of college acceptances on their desks. Some people are made of the money in their banks, the cars in their driveway, their vacation albums. Some people are made of their hair gel, and exercise stations and closet full of clothes. Some people are made of their friends and signifigant others, and their friday nights.

So what am I made of? If you burned my house down, would I still be me? If you picked me up and moved me across the country, would I still be me? What about if you broke my bank, or made me fat, or stole my future? If you took everything from me, who would I be?

It's a hard question, especially for a 17-year-old. But it's a very important question. Especially for a 17-year-old. It's time to decide what to live for. It's time to decide what makes us up as people, who we really are. That is our only responsibility right now.

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