Monday, April 30, 2007

It's Ok To Be A Little Crazy

I have made a discovery. Life is not this series of big, defining moments. Life is one long string of little, every-day moments with the big defining ones scattered around.

You can't live for the big moments. You have to live every minute. Take every dull, every-day moment and make it the kind of minute that you want to live in.

Drive on a cold day with the all the way windows down and the radio all the way up. Sing as loudly as you can and nod at the passer-by who looks at you like you're the most obnoxious person to ever live, and feel like you're going to drive right up into the sky.

Swing at the park when you're 18 years old. Let your hair get tangled and staticy, and show your butt to the whole world. Let your flip-flops fly off without worrying about how you're going to stop the ride. Let gravity coax out your 5-year old's giggle.

Dance at work. Listen to your favorite songs and bust a move right there in the aisle. Let your feet move, keep the beat in your hips. Spin from time to time. Your autopilot can work while you have fun.

Play basketball with your brother. Duck and dive and flail all over the place. Shove and insult and yell and laugh. Ignore the small fact that you suck at this game, because every time the ball goes through it feels like you've conquered the world.

Ru through the rain. When you've been working for hours and your brain is coated in a fine layer of book dust, feel the thick, cold drops pouring down in sheets. Swing around a light pole and belt out, "I'm singing in the rain! What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again!" Then you run with everyone else back to the shelter of the building. But their coats are over their heads and they pick their feet up over offensive puddles. Let your bare feet make tsunamis in the puddles, and let your arms and legs move to a song that only your body can hear. Walk back into work with the whole front of you damp, your hair frizzy and your socks wet. Let your fingers tingle, and your face glow.

It's not about going out to get life. It's about letting life happen to you. Let go. Give up, give in. Feel. Breathe. Live.

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