Saturday, November 3, 2007

Stereotypical College Saturday

I woke up at 11:00. Evidently I was tired, because I went to bed at midnight in a benadryl-induced fog and slept for eleven straight hours. My roommate got up, got ready and left for work without waking me. I showered, swallowed about five pills, and headed for the cafeteria for eggs and toast. I came back to my room to watch the game and absently clean up my disaster area of a room.

Then, Ben n Jerry's for a late lunch while I watched the game. Penn State just scored - I think we're going to win. Which is good, because losing to Purdue would just be shameful. As soon as the game is over, I'm off to the swim meet to get a free spirit towel and watch my next-door neighbor dive. I should stick around for the rest of the meet, since I'm writing about it for the sport's page this week.

After the meet I'll come back to my room, and my roommate and I will order Chinese food. For an unemployed college kid, Chinese food is a luxury; pure extravgence. We're going to order enough to last three days, because if you buy $15 worth, you get free delivery. Score. We've been pouring over the take-out menu for three days in anticipation. Then, while eating Chinese food, we are going to play N64; MarioKart of James Bond 007, we haven't decided yet. Probably whichever game decides to work...

At around 8:00, we'll head down to the studio theatre and try to catch the school play. We didn't order tickets in advance as was recommended, so I hope that we can get tickets. If not, I'll tell them that I'm writing a review for the Beacon, and that my roommate is the photographer for the article. It'll save us $5 each, too. Who knows, I might even write the review. I'll get back around 10:00 and get some reading done before SNL at 11:30. Afterwards, I'll inhale some more benadryl, set my clocks back, and most the most of my extra hour of sleep.

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