Friday, November 30, 2007

Weekends at School

These were the hardest to get used to, by far. My least favorite thing about this school is the fact that the vast majority of students live, at most, an hour away. This means that on weekends, literally 80-90% of students pack up and go home. Getting off campus on a Friday afternoon is similar to getting through the Buffalo tolls after a Bill's game lets out. I'm not exagerating, sometimes it's a 60-minute back up. Even the die-hard partiers complain. "There's nothing to do but sit in your room, and drink, and sleep."

If you're sober, you're even worse off. But I'm learning how to to pass the time. My friend nextdoor just left the diving team, which means she is around on weekends again. Her roommate started cheerleading, and she also has to stay on campus for the weekend. I've started hanging out more with my RA and another girl down the hall. I'll be able to hang out with them, and it's nice just to stop in from time to time and make sure that you aren't the only person alive.

Since practically nothing is open on campus, and civilization is inaccesable to those without a car (*coughcough*), I've tried really hard to make my room pleasant. I think I've done a good job- even the Christmas lights combat the constant cloudiness. The semester is wrapping up, which means I have plenty of work to do. Plenty. I also have Christmas presents to budget and figure out, a couple of letters and thank-you notes to write, and I still have to watch the Republican debate. And sleep. Somehow in college you can never get enough of it.

For tonight, I think I'll round up some neighbors and invite them over for popcorn and MarioKart tourneys. Nothing like the classic N64 to bring impovershed, stranded, and sober college students together.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Sounds like quite the weekend you've got planned there...

I'll be up early, way too early - off to NYC until Sunday night. Someday, you and I are gonna go, just the two of us!

I'm gonna start planning that trip while I'm there. Anything you want me to check out?

Love ya :)