Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Let it Snow!

Winter has arrived in Erie. And it has arrived with a vengence, I can say that much. Yesterday the power was out for seven hours. Four of those hours were after daylight hours, so roughly 50 girls were sitting in the hallway, the only place with lights and still held some heat. We played Scattergories and got Chinese food, and then flopped around and complained about how dirty the carpet was and how our phones were all dead or dying. We had conversations like con artists would when fantasizing about their future fortunes.

"What are you going to do when the power comes on again?"
"I'm going to call my boyfriend."
"I hope it's on in time for The Hills."
"Guitar Hero, hands down."
"I'll bring my milk in from under the porch."
"I want to microwave something. Anything. Just because I can."

When the power came on at 8:30, there was one giant cheer and every resident jumped up, ran into their rooms, and slammed the door. I didn't see anyone for the rest of the night.

This morning I woke up to howling winds and snow swirling from every rooftop. The ground is officially frozen, and the entire campus - grass, walkway, road, and parking lot was white. I wore my favorite green sweater, the scarf my mom made me, and busted out my heavy-duty winter boots and new socks. I discovered that I have left my leather gloves at home, but pockets proved to be an easy fix. I am proud to say that even though I have to walk 10 minutes to class, even though it robbed me of electricity yesterday and I got nothing done, even though I cannot have a car on campus until spring, I love snow. Madly. Anything below the Mason-Dixon line is just not for me.

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