Monday, December 10, 2007

More Time

My poly sci professor once mentioned that there comes a point in someone's life when they realize that they do not have time to do everything that they want. She said that it usually does not hit until middle age, but I am having mine now.

I want to be a columnist. I want to write weekly installments that make people laugh, maybe cry, give them something to relate to. I want to blog for a living.

I want to be a foriegn corresponent. I want to travel instead of tour, I want to see things no other American gets to see. I want to see and touch our universality of human kind, I want to inspire people to make this world a better place. I want to expose bad things, and bring in good people. I want to see it all.

But then I also want to report for a town. I want to find the stories of triumph and tragedy that happen right at home, that are just as amazing as stories in the Congo or the Middle East. I want to drive to the store to get milk, and see people that I have talked to and learned from, doors that I have knocked on.

I want to teach sixth grade English. I want to teach kids how to read and write, and how to think. I want to be that teacher in that person's life that makes the universe explode with potential, maybe the first person to believe in them. I want to show the twelve-year old girls that there is more. I want all of the ADD boys that no one else does.

I want to adopt kids. Something in me thinks that making new people while there are children already in existence, already without much hope or future is ... I dont know. I want to give someone a second chance, I want to give them love and hope where there was none. I want to be able to give them all of the time that they need and deserve.

I want to write books. Books for kids that are almost teenagers, but still not little kids. Books that tell the truth, that kids will read over and over until the spine is broken in and the front cover falls off.

And I don't know. I know that I would love doing all of these things, and I know that I have been gifted with these talents. If I lived for 600 years, I don't think it would be enough time- I don't think I could get or give enough even then.

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