Sunday, December 9, 2007

What A Whirl

It's coming up on my first batch of college finals. This week will be cram-packed with not only studying, but last-minute end of semester business to take care of. I'm glad I only have an opinion piece to write this week - I am booked solid. My first final is English, on Friday morning. 9:00 am, she will give us a prompt and we will write our essay in 50 minutes. Of course, the newspaper party is the night before. Am I going? Oh yes. Is it irresponsible? Yes. Well, my professor should have thought of that before she gave me a "C" on an excellent paper, all because I had trouble following directions she did not fully understand herself.

Then I have my Poly-Sci take home exam. Not too shabby, I know. I just have to turn it in next Tuesday before I leave for home, and I'm golden. I'm guessing it will only take up about eight hours of my week, but we'll see, it could be more. I have to study for Comparitive Religion, and that will actually be a challenge. Mostly because my professor spends most of the class time rambling about middle-east crisis, how messed up America is, and how great summering in London is. He then proceeds to test us on things like the potential relationship between Jesus and Mohammad, how President Truman's faith influenced WWII, and the subtle historical differences between Hinduism and Buddhism.

As for math, I will write down the formulas for our non-cumulative final on my 8"x11" cheat sheet, take the test in roughly twenty minutes, and score an A.

Then, after my last exam and before I leave, I have to pack for three and a half weeks. I have to take inventory on food and toiletries so I know what to stock up on over break, and either throw out or bring home things that I never have used and never will. I will vacuum, I will dust major surfaces and the blinds, I will wash every dish. I will clean out the fridge and scrub the microwave until it is squeaky clean. I will clear out the mailbox, adjust the heater, and remove anything illegal that could be noticed during an inspection (remove sandwhich griller, scrub crayon off walls). Then, as I leave next Wednesday morning, I will repeatedly beg my roommate to remember to lock the door when she goes. Who knows, she might.

I'm not stressed.

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