Sunday, January 14, 2007

I never knew

Today for my lesson about guy/girl relationships, I had 7 boys and no girls. This could be a frightening thing, but it turns out I have the best boys on the planet. Here's how the actual lesson went:

Me "So do you guys have any friends that treat girls badly just beacuse they're girls?"
Them "Well yeah, but they're jerks for it."
Me "Ok, do you guys have any friends that are girls?"
Them "Yeah" and "Sure" and some "My best friend is a girl."
Me "Do any of you have girlfriends?"
Them: "Sure."
Me "And what does that mean?" (I'm hoping I'll catch some up here)
Them: "It's someone you can hug and care about and will care about you back."
Me: Silent. Wondering what I'm going to teach these boys who, right now, have it all figured out.
Them: "Look, is there a point to this?"
Me: "Not really. Want to play marbles?"

I fed them cheese and crackers, and they taught me how to play marbles. Aaron said "Wow, you suck. But that's ok, you can be on a team with me." My special ed kid, Matt, won a game and therefore won respect from everyone in the room for the rest of their lives. I talked football with them, and unlike most guys my own age, they listened. When they left, they left crumbs and marbles all over the floor, and Lynden put the rest of the peperoni in his coat pocket.

How can you not love that? They're messy and loud, yeah. But they restore your faith in mankind like nothing else.


Hannah said...
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Aunt Mary said...

Rachel: Walk away from that thought or you will find yourself some day teaching middle school.


Hannah said...

Oh no! Anything but the middle school years! Actually, it sounds more like you should teach elementary kids. That's where all the cuties are! ;) sounds like your boys are still in the Cute Phase. My aunt says that all boys go through Phases: Cute Phase, Weird Phase, Annoying Phase, Stupid Phase (teenage years), and they don't enter the Normal Phase until their 20s.

Apparently their world is very intricate.

rachel said...

Nah. I've decided that 5 and 6 grade is the best age in disguise as the worst. You feed them, let them be loud and messy, and the fun is limitless. They're becoming their own people, but the nasty hormones haven't kicked in yet. Elementary kids are still learning how to share and they cry a lot.
I'm a fan of the annoying phase.

: P

Aunt Mary said...

What that auntie failed to mention is that all previous phases exist in the "normal" phase. In a keeper, all phases are aligned correctly.