Friday, January 12, 2007

take a shower, shine your shoes

I didn't update yesterday. That's because I fell alseep halfway through my euro notes for about an hour. Then there was a new episode of Grey's Anatomy on for the first time in weeks. I know, sad excuse. But I need that one little guilty pleasure. Adison almost kissed Alex, for crying out loud. She's recently divorced and at least a decade older than him, and he's still in love with Izzy. That's good stuff right there!

Anyways. These next 24 hours are going to be way too much fun. Tonight I'm going to see The Painted Veil at the Little Theatre, and the director John Curran is going to be there for a Q and A afterwards. I'm going to take notes...

And tomorrow, I'm going to Syracuse to watch them play Villanova. I'm going to be on campus all day, and buy and Syracuse t-shirt, and then go to a Syracuse basketball game. It's going to be wonderful. Hopefully I'll have many more days like that to come.

One more thing. I need an idea for a film. Since I got my MacBook, iMovie has been calling to me. So many possibilities...The "Drama in Drama" idea isn't going to work out, because play practice hours conflict with my work hours. So I need a new game plan, and I'm open to any suggestions.

I may still have to go to school every day, and It's still always dark out, and it's true that there's no snow. But life is starting to get exciting now, and I need to not forget that.


Megan said...

It's crazy how I sit here and read your blog and all of a sudden, I'm missing you. Crazy? you ask... well, being that I see you at least once a week, you'd think I'd get my fill. But I just can't. I need to read your words and hear your voice and the way you tell stories and embrace the passion you exude (and trust me, you do). So needless to say and redundant, but it's being said: I miss you! I'll see you soon. And a small sidenote - I've definitely started that savings account for after you graduate college. And I've some other ideas of places I'd like to take a jaunt to... up for it? :)

rachel said...

I know. Once midterms (urgh) are over, we'll definately have to do something. And then our seeing-the-world tour is absolutely going to happen. I'm excited!