Wednesday, March 7, 2007

don't worry; be happy

In English we learned about the philosophical theory that life is what we perceive it to be. So I tried it. I decided to be happy that the sun was up when I was getting ready, and that Mel got the Prelude back for today. I decided to be happy that in French I didn't have to present my dialogue. I decided to be happy that I got to play ping pong in gym. I decided to be happy about watching Hotel Rwanda in Government. It may be for the second time in school, but it is such an excellent movie I could watch it a hundred times. I decided to be happy that I had English today (that's always good.) When I came home, I was glad that I had a half an hour to myself, and that it's almost warm, and the sun is still out. I got to read a little and eat some grilled cheese. Now I have to do some psych notes, but those are usually interesting, and I can do them at my kitchen table, in the sun. I have to work tonight, but there's not that much to do, and after this I'm free until Tuesday. I'm glad that I'm still living in my wonderful house, and that my friends haven't moved away yet (be it as far as Romania or Pennsylvania.) I'm healthy, I have nothing real to worry about and tons of things to look foward to.

Sometimes you just need to be in a bad mood. And sometimes you can't help but be in a good mood. But on days like today, when it could be really easy to just be miserable about nothing in general, you have to put in the effort to be happy. Plain old bored is no reason to be grumpy. Save up the misery for when it really counts. So I guess the moral of this story, however strange, is suck it up and be happy.

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