Sunday, May 20, 2007

my blogging muscle is weak. sorry.

The girls in our party, after hours of prep time.

Our entire party, 10 in all.

Our limo alternative. Free, and just as much fun. Less dignified, though.

My best friends.

Senior Ball of 2007 was amazing. Or "maz," as some would say. 24 straight hours of nothing but fun, which was a beautiful thing after 3 straight weeks of nothing but studying.

Usually I don't like living in a little town. But getting ready for prom in a small town is great. I ran to Eckerds during the primping process to pick up bobby pins and kept running into people. There were kids also on last minute errands, picking up flowers across the street, playing basketball in driveways. It kind of made me wish I hadn't gone out with my head covered in neon curlers. Ah well, such is the price of beauty.

So, preparation took from 12 pm to 4 pm. (My brother, who is of the play basketball all afternoon, shower and slap on a tux in 22 minutes gender, still cannot believe how it could take that long to get ready.) I actually managed to get my hair to curl and stay curled, having kept my hair in curlers for 6 hours, going over the curls with a curling iron, drowning in hairspray, and receiving lots and lots of help. Sometimes I really like being a girl; eating all afternoon and putting hair up and putting on make up and generally getting pretty is a lot of fun.

PIctures took an hour because there were 8 people in our party. How many combinations of 10 people can you have? We did it. We even threw in parents and siblings. Since Mel and I were dateless, we were in about half of the pictures, so we got some swinging in, wearing formal gowns. We're like 6. At least I managed to stay on my swing and not stain my gown, Mel.

Then we loaded into our two vans (my van was decorated in window paint and had twinkle lights with stars on the inside.) On the way to ball, the wheel off the second van completely came off, right on Manitou road. Not the tire, the entre wheel fell off the axle. So we had two vans pulled over, one of them gimpy, and 8 people in formal wear standing on the side of the road. That's a good story if you had just witnessed it, never mind it actually happening to you. We got another ride and were only 30 mintues late, and when we ran out of the "You clean up so nice, your dress looks great, let me see your hair," kind of conversation with aquaintances, we had a really good story.

Our table got to go up and get food first, which I was guess was pay-back since we went dead last at junior prom and all of the good food was picked over. After eating, which is one of my very favorite things to do with friends, we danced for almost three straight hours. I love dancing. I haven't been dancing since the club in Florence. My calves are really sore today. There were three songs from Grease, two people came thrillingly close to a fight, and I got a purple glow bracelet.

We went to Java's for a bit to get some caffine. Delicious caffine in the form of a chocolatey, espresso-y, icey drink. Then I got to shower at Kristen's before bonfiring. Getting nasty hairspray out of your hair and make-up off your face, and washing off other people's sweat from dancing with 430 people on one dance floor easily feels like 4 hours of sleep. We spent a couple of hours around a massive fire. We talked and laughed and the boys burned everything that wasn't nailed down or alive. We even sang. Back to Ange's house at 4:00 for a little bit of didn't-turn-out-so-good-eggless-cookie-dough and sleep. I got 5 whole hours, which is a really good deal.

Then we got breakfast at Chach's. Holy crap. Bagels and sausage and eggs and fluffy, cripsy, beautiful pancakes and this french toast souffle thing. We just sat and ate and ate and ate and ate. Like I said, eating good food with good friends is one of my all-time favorite things. I wasn't really hungry until dinner. Then again, I wasn't fully concsious until dinner, either.

I was home around noon and can't remember much after that. But Ball 2007 was definately some of the most fun I've had all year.

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