Thursday, October 18, 2007

Second of the day, I know.

Today was such a perfect student journalist day, and I absolutely loved it. I got up early, and started typing up my news piece in the two hours before my first class. I finished with three minutes to spare, threw my Comparitive Religion books in my bag, and headed for my class. We learned about separation of Church and State, and had a debate that I got pretty involved in. I came back to my room after class and wrote a blog about what I thought, enjoying the fact that no one could interupt me with their stupid comments.

Then I wrote up my time managment paper due for class in one hour. I know, the irony. It was a good paper, though. I went to the class in which it was due, and the teacher read some of the student's essays. Considering most of us are Journalism/Writing/English majors, it was more entertaining than you would think.

I went back to my room and killed about an hour on facebook, the Collegian online, the Washington Post online, and the Columbia Review of Journalism online. Then my neighbor came by to talk, and then my RA dropped in to chat with all of us, and before I knew it, it was an hour later. After I had studied for my Plato exam for a while, I heard cheers from the lawn. It was the campus sororities playing tug a' war dressed in togas. I threw my notebook, pen, voice recorder and keys into my bag and sped out of the building, only to find that another staff writer had already been assigned the event.

But, I ran into an editor friend who was also poking around to see if there was a story. He was on his way to dinner before meeting up with the other entertainment page editor in the Reed basement. So after getting dinner (his was a pretzel, mine was Ben & Jerry's) we headed down, looked up stories for next week's page, and then just started chatting. Brittney Spears, Iran, Russia, China, Rupert Murdoch, and Steven Colbert.

The chat then turned to heated and hilarious discussion about the '08 election. I put down five dollars that Hillary Clinton would be our next President, as much as I don't want to see it happen. Because, we determined, no Republican was going to get near office after Bush, and I think that America just isn't ready for a black President, as wrong as that is. Then we watched the Youtube of Howard Dean screaming and laughed. I then headed back to my room for another hour of studying, despite pleas like "Oh come on, stay! Plato is common sense stuff, you don't need to study!" and leaving them to their work. In 15 minutes, its down to the newsroom for a night of learning how to make a page, laughing, and getting hit in the head with tennis balls.

Today, I really, really love my life.


Aunt Mary said...

"...enjoying the fact that no one could interupt me with their stupid comments."

Has Tommy pirated your blog?

rachel said...


Hey, when I get the opinion page, I can actually publish my rants. Reach a wider readership and all. Mwahahaha, the power!

: P